With cold air moving in, it's time to take care of all the basil I have growing in my garden. Basil is so cold sensitive, and I'd hate to loose an opportunity to preserve a summer treat to enjoy when the snow is flying. Just a few weeks ago, I trimmed the whole works back and made my first batch of pesto to freeze, but it's come back with gusto.

I've got about a half dozen plants--most of them in the vegetable garden and one in a pot by the back door for quick snipping while I'm cooking. Once I've cut the plants back, I pick of the best leaves and throw them in the food processor. Having perfected this over the years, my own preference is to use the fresh basil,

toasted pine nuts, a little salt and pepper, and then the olive oil drizzled in with the processor running. I have the best luck with saving the addition of garlic and parmesan just as I'm about to use it in my recipe.

The next step is to get out that kitchen gadget from our past--the ice cube tray. (It's like trying to explain to someone under 25 what a typewriter was.) I spread the pesto evenly into the tray and pop it inot the freezer. Then once it's frozen, the individual pesto cubes can be stored in a freezer bag, or I prefer an canning jar to keep them from getting too beat up.

Then come this winter, just thaw a few out for pasta or a panini spread or throw a couple cubes in a pot of vegetable soup. But please, save a little of the fresh to enjoy on a plate of pasta as a reward for your effort.