Knitting has never really been a communal thing for me. Probably because there were so many years when, besides my Mom, I didn't know anyone else who knit. Now that knitting has become more popular, I still tend to see it as a solitary pastime, but I do enjoy the online community support of Ravelry.
In a way, Ravelry has become another knitting tool. When I'm going to start a new project, one of the first things I do is to check the entries of other knitters of their experience with the same project. It's rare if I don't get some tip that helps--yarn selection ideas, links to corrections, some insight into modifications.
Of course, Ravelry has a social component as well. I don't spend a lot of time in the forums utility--I'd rather be knitting, but this last week I have been enjoying a thread on "Knitting Blasphemies" that has obviously hit a chord with other members. Reading some of the entries has been like eavesdropping in a Ravelry confessional. "I hate knitting socks," one knitter admits. "EZ annoys me, and a lot of her patterns are ugly," says another. It's a hoot and good to know that we have kindred spirits with some of our own knitting peeves.

Besides Ravelry, I was distracted from my knitting this week by a delivery from Amazon. Earlier this spring I had pre-ordered Debbie Bliss' new book
Design It, Knit It: Secrets from the Designer's Studio. When I saw the Cable Band Cardigan pattern in an ad, I knew right away that it was a sweater I wanted to make.

Although I haven't had much time to read the book too thoroughly, the patterns look tempting. There are several designs I'd like to try, and I'm looking forward to her advice on planning out my own sweaters or at least getting some words of wisdom on making modifications or getting better about picking the right project in the first place.

Despite the intent of the book, I do think I will start out as a blind follower and make the sweater that brought me to the book in the first place. I love the color and the style of this cardigan, and it looks like it would be something fun to knit--something out of the ordinary. You actually begin by knitting the yoke strip band and then proceed by picking up stitiches for the body of the sweater. Isn't it purty!? Must order yarn soon...