It's the big day. High School graduation. (Cliche alert!) It seems like he just started kindergarten. It went so fast. I can't believe he's going to college in a couple of months. I can't believe it's been thirty years since I did this. (A little moment of selfishness.)
It looks like it will be a beautiful day for all the festivities. The ceremony, dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, and the all-night party--then it's off for the Northland for a few days of hurried-up R&R with my family.
Knowing we would be gone for awhile, my big priority this week was to get my gardens and pots all planted, and, "Whew!" I got it done. It took a few extra trips to the nursery to fill in a few spots, but it's done. The cool spring has put us behind a couple of weeks, and what a great year to have that happen, because I'm about three weeks behind.

Check out my rhubarb plant this year! It's taking over. I baked a coffee cake with it last week , and it barely made a dent. The guys aren't that crazy about rhubarb, so you-know-who ends up eating the most, and I'm not a big lover of sweets. I have a recipe for a sauce for fish that I might dig out--in my free time.
I actually found some time for knitting this week. I finished a Prayer Shawl--and then forgot to take it with me to church. I'm also on the second front piece for my Sideways Cardigan. Now that I've got the hang of the yoke pattern, I tossed aside the chart for the shoulder and neck shaping and followed the directions in the original pattern in the magazine, and it works great. It was all a little confounding at first, but now I'm on my way. My only disappointment with the yarn is having to work around knots in four of the six skeins I've used this far. I'm not worried about running out, but it's annoying--there's no splicing cotton.
Enough! I must have coffee before Pomp and Circumstance.