What a gorgeous morning! The lilac bushes are in bloom, the birds are singing, and the sun is shining. We haven't had too many days like this so far this spring, so we've really come to appreciate them when we have them.
You'd think I'd take advantage of this beautiful weather and go for a walk outside, but when I woke up this morning--obscenely early, by the way--I dragged my butt over to the Y and got in a good workout--including some weight training. We've been gone so much, and I've missed having my muscles trained. We did have a great time up North last week. A little fishing, some golf--I get to drive the cart--and some fun with my niece and nephew. Isn't it a great plan that we don't have kids when we're old? They are a handful. What entertainment! Now we have a little time to catch up before we head off to France next week.

My Sideways Cardigan is on the blocking board this morning and is almost dry. Not much left to finish it off: sew some seams, pick up a knit an edging for the neck, and knit on a buttonhole band. Since this is a cotton yarn and the pattern for the yoke is so lacy, I think that I will crochet the shoulder seams together to add some stability. This was a fun project--slightly more of a challenge than I anticipated, but that's not a bad thing. The challenge is all in the yoke shaping, but once I got the hang of the yoke pattern and how it worked in the decreases, it was fine. I did have a blonde moment when I knit the last front piece while watching the Twins the other night and neglected to reverse the shaping. (Ever knit two mittens for the same hand?) It was easily corrected--not so for the Twins.
Okay, get off the laptop and get outside. Errands to run for the tennis banquet tonight. Then we're free--free at last!
1 comment:
Are you taking the sweater along on the trip? You'll look tres chic in Paris! See you soon!!!!
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