I cast-on my Alix's Lace Prayer Shawl on Friday night during the Opening Ceremonies, but have to admit that I did more watching than knitting. That has to be the most fabulous thing that has ever been on television, and on HD, it was awesome. We missed the very beginning, so we Tivo'd the replay, and I can't wait to watch it again.
No Olympics or knitting last night as we went to the Melissa Etheridge concert in St. Paul. Jim bought the tickets long ago for a work night out, but everyone backed out at the last minute, so I ended up going with him. Not being a fan, I only recognized a couple of her bigger hits. Jim enjoyed it and is a good sport about going to Elvis Costello or jazz concerts, so it was fair play.
Very cool shawl. I enjoyed the moving printer's squares.
I love the colour of the shawl -- and what a great Ravelympics project!! Good luck!
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