It almost took me as many weeks to find the right buttons for Amherst as it did for me to knit it. That poor sweater has been rolling around in my car waiting for me to get it finished, and today was the day. I don't know why it took so long. I didn't want anything spectacular. In fact, when I knit the front piece for the sweater, I made the buttonholes one stitch smaller so that I wouldn't have to buy buttons as large as the ones on the original.

This is a super-simple design, and it makes a cute basic sweater. Besides, making the buttonholes a bit smaller, the only other modification I made was in the finishing process. To finish off the raw neckline, the designer suggests a row of single crochet , but I thought it needed more. EZ to the rescue! Knitted on i-cord gave it a nice edge and should hold in all that stretchy garter stitch. I'm sure I will make this again sometime.

Amherst was done, and I had run out of yarn for Prayer Shawls, so I've been plugging away on the cabled scarf that I started in order to have a project to take on vacation. This is the first time I have ever used Lion Brand's Fisherman's Wool. Not sure how this will wear, but it's very nice yarn to knit with. It's soft, the color is beautiful, and there is a lot of yardage on each skein, so it's a good value. I don't think one skein will be enough. Two might be overkill. I'll keep knitting until it seems right. The trouble is, I could knit this scarf in my sleep. I need something that's more challenging for my main project.
That's right, I didn't just buy buttons today. In one fell swoop, I now have yarn for four new projects in the house: two Prayer Shawls, a lace shawl, and a cardigan. Once I get something cast-on, I'll let you know what I'm up to. I'd better make a swatch.
Building up the stash, I see...I'm re-doing the second front raglan shaping because of the knitting faeries added instructions. It's going quickly. I'll be able to block the pieces today!!!! OOOOOO...what cardigan will you make next?
Hello, I look for this model for some days, I made a demand on the forum of Ravelry and I do not manage to obtain it.
Can you say to me where I can find it? Can you send it to me?
I am on Ravelry and it is not a part of proposed models.
Can you help me?
Thank you very much.
Fine Bessot.
This is a translation from french.
Je cherche ce modèle depuis quelques jours, j'ai fait une demande sur le forum de Ravelry et je n'arrive pas à l'obtenir.
Pouvez-vous me dire où je peux le trouver ?
Est-ce que vous pouvez me le faire parvenir ?
Je suis sur Ravelry et il ne fait pas partie des modèles proposés.
Pouvez-vous m'aider ?
Merci beaucoup
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