Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's Here!

We knew it would come eventually. Somehow it is still a shock when it does. And no easing into it this year. From 60's to this in less than a few days.

Thank God for snow blowers. This is heavy, wet stuff. Perfect for snowmen. And it was too nice to come in after the driveway and sidewalk got cleaned off, so I got to work on this guy. I guess you're never too old to hurt your back pushing big snowballs around the backyard.

After a crazy week, it felt so good today to just knit, watch cooking shows, eat freshly made English muffins, and eventually nap in front of the fireplace. What more could you ask for on a Saturday in November?

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Love the snowman. Sounds like a fun day to me!