Friday, December 31, 2010

So Long 2010, Here Comes 2011

With only a few hours left of 2010, I thought I'd look back at the year that was.
1. I turned 50. A big deal and not a big deal all at the same time.
2. Lots of Travel. San Antonio, New Orleans, Chicago, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and New York for the US Open.
3. Outdoor Baseball. Target Field is a little piece of heaven on earth.
4. Knitting. A year for sweaters. I made five and am working on a sixth. There were a few hats, blankets, a shawl, and some other little items, too. (Gotta keep busy.)
5. A New Garden Fence. After several years of procrastinating, I finally got it together and rebuilt the fence around my garden. Rabbits be damned.

With 2011 around the corner, I think I'm going to try to:
1. Get outside more often this winter. I'm a better person after I've inhaled some fresh air---even if it's frigid fresh air.
2. Pray more. I say that every year. Hope I'm getting better.
3. Plant early spring vegetables. I'm always behind.
4. Knit a big project. Japanese pattern? Blanket?
5. Bake pastry. (Maybe. I want to learn, but do I really need to eat more fresh pastry?)

Happy New Year!

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