Sunday, August 24, 2008


I had my doubts whether or not I could finish my Alix's Prayer Shawl before the deadline of Ravelympics 08, but I got the knitting completed while we were in LA and have it drying out on a rug as we speak. I snapped this picture of it draped on the back of the hotel room chair after I did the bind off.

Even though I took it along on our trip over the weekend, I decided not to bring it on the plane. It was getting a little bulky and since each row had so many stitches by the end, I was afraid I would have a mess if I had to put it away suddenly. By the last repeats, it would take a good ten to fifteen minutes to knit each row, and while my family now understands it when I say, "Just let me finish this row.", I didn't think a hundred or so people on the plane would be as patient.

We had a great trip out to California. The Angels stadium was beautiful--and the Twins won both Thursday and Friday night. (We must be good luck.) Besides the games, we squeezed in one day at Disneyland and another day taking in the sights around Los Angeles. We're already thinking about our next Twins trip. Colorado? Toronto? Kansas City?

Another hectic week ahead of us. We'd like to try and get to the State Fair for our annual day of gluttony, there's some packing that needs to get done, and then we take our son up to college on Thursday. We've had quite a summer before we all begin the next phase!

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